Pain in the Calf Can Have Various Causes
By: Dr. Kevin McIntyre B.Kin., DC Pain in the calf can have various causes, ranging from minor issues to more serious [...]
Sciatic Pain and Dermatomes
There are many different causes and types of back pain and there are many different structures in the spine that [...]
Chiropractic Adjustments for Patellofemoral Pain
The patellofemoral joint is the space between the kneecap and the long bone of the thigh, the femur. The space between [...]
X-rays for Back Pain
Lately, I’ve noticed a lot of discussion online about how imaging findings don’t usually relate to a person’s pain. It seems [...]
Pain in the Back of the Knee: Popliteus Strain and/or Tendinopathy
Are you having pain behind your knee? Are you a competitive athlete or weekend warrior? You may have injured your [...]
How to Treat Muscle Back Pain
As mentioned in the past, our blog entries are not intended to be specific, individual advice for patients. They are [...]
Do I need an x-ray for back pain?
When do you need an x-ray for back pain? This is a question I get asked on a regular basis. [...]
A Burlington Chiropractor’s Experience with Low Back Pain
A funny thing happened to me last week. Believe it or not, I was demonstrating a low back stretch that [...]
Protect Your Back While Gardening This Spring
As we progress further into spring and summer, many of us become more active around the house and into our [...]
Chronic Back Pain
Why do some people experience repeated bouts of back pain? This is a very large question with many variables to [...]