The Overhead Squat Test
By Samantha Costabile Squats are one of the most functional exercises out there. You need multiple joints and muscles [...]
Management of Youth Injuries
By: Dr. Kevin McIntyre B.Kin., DC Our clinic sees many different sports injuries in people of all ages. Athletic injuries [...]
Adam’s Test (Screening for Scoliosis)
By: Dr. Kevin McIntyre B.Kin., DC When a patient comes to our clinic for the first time, we conduct a [...]
Hip Movement for Lower Back Pain
By: Dr. Kevin McIntyre B.Kin., DC Our previous two blogs have discussed strategies to position and support the lower [...]
The “Muscular Brace” Strategy for Lower Back Pain
By: Dr. Kevin McIntyre B.Kin., DC Our last blog focused on finding a neutral spine position for patients with lower [...]
The Importance of Spine Neutral in Recovery
By: Dr. Kevin McIntyre B.Kin., DC For many patients with lower back pain, the early stage of recovery focuses on reducing [...]
Planning for a Better, Healthier 2022
As Christmas can be a time for reflection, let’s all reflect on our musculoskeletal health and whether we are doing [...]
Neck Pain and Posture
The idea of perfect posture has been around for a very long time. Our parents and schoolteachers would tell us [...]
Lumps and Bumps on your Feet?
Quite often, patients come to our clinic with bumps on their tissue and ask us what they are. Usually, these [...]