Acupuncture at Burlington Sports Therapy is provided by our Registered Massage Therapist and our Registered Physiotherapist.
You will find some general information about Acupuncture below. If you have any questions about Acupuncture or your condition, please do not hesitate to contact us at our Burlington office 905-220-7858.

If you live in the Oakville, Burlington or Hamilton area and would like more information about Acupuncture, or make an appointment, please call 905-220-7858, or e-mail
If you are in the Burlington, Oakville, Hamilton and surrounding areas and are in need of Acupuncture, contact Burlington Sports Therapy today.
Migraine Headaches Treatment: Acupuncture
Migraine headaches are debilitating for people suffering from them. They are a significant medical condition and have a great effect [...]
I love it here. Dr. McIntyre takes time and care with me each visit… he is not the kind of chiropractor who comes in, adjusts you quickly, and moves on to the next patient. (And I’ve seen a lot of different chiropractors in my day!) He assesses me, determines the course of treatment that day, and makes only the required adjustments necessary. Also, Joy at the front desk is awesome! Highly, highly recommend Burlington Sport Therapy!
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