Soccer Injury

2024-04-09T10:50:16-04:00June 20, 2010|

Since the World Cup is on everyone's mind these days, we thought it would be only fitting to make you [...]


2022-07-26T14:41:11-04:00June 6, 2010|

Have you been injured in a car accident?  Quite often patients come to our clinic with a sore, stiff neck [...]

Stress Fracture

2024-05-31T12:09:44-04:00April 18, 2010|

Stress Fracture Bone Scan Our bones are constantly remodeling, a balance between the cells that breakdown and the [...]

Patellofemoral Syndrome

2022-11-30T14:38:42-05:00January 31, 2010|

The incidence of injury among distance runners is estimated to be between 37-56%.  Of these, pain in the area of the [...]

ACL Injury

2024-10-24T15:09:13-04:00January 17, 2010|

Last June we posted an entry on the prevention of anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) tears.  In that article, we learned [...]

Knee Pain from Jumping

2024-10-24T15:47:51-04:00December 6, 2009|

Jumpers knee is a common term used to describe an overuse injury to the patellar tendon.  The technical term for this [...]

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