IT Band Syndrome

2023-12-20T09:39:25-05:00October 10, 2010|

Iliotibial band friction syndrome (IT Band Syndrome) is one of the most common injuries affecting long distance runners.  When iliotibial [...]

Arthritis Treatment

2023-12-20T09:58:52-05:00September 12, 2010|

Osteoarthritis ("arthritis") is a very common condition, affecting 25% of the population over the age of 65. Weight bearing joints [...]

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

2023-12-20T09:58:06-05:00August 29, 2010|

Carpal tunnel syndrome occurs when a nerve in the wrist (the median nerve) gets compressed between some bones and soft [...]

Stress Fracture

2024-05-31T12:09:44-04:00April 18, 2010|

Stress Fracture Bone Scan Our bones are constantly remodeling, a balance between the cells that breakdown and the [...]

Running Injuries

2022-07-26T13:11:03-04:00September 20, 2009|

Overuse injuries are very common among distance runners and are frequently seen at our Burlington Physiotherapy clinic. The repeated tissue [...]

Exercise and Arthritis

2022-11-30T15:09:58-05:00September 6, 2009|

Recently we came across an interesting paper published in the well known journal "Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise" [...]

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